Sunday, 10 July 2011

Kirby has one day left of her antibiotics, so far all good, she hasn't gotten worse I don't think. Came home this afternoon to find Kirby had lost a feather though which I'm not sure if it was from her last molt and she was just ready to lose it, because she has been preening a lot lately so I hope she didn't pull it out herself! I think she has been bored, as her old toys have been taking out of the cage when she got sick because they were getting pretty wrecked so there is only 3 plastic ones in there she is probably sick of! just put a new swing in there though and its seems to be entertaining her :)

Charlie is doing the cutest little love chirps to Kirby, well I guess that's what he is doing haha!
The poor guy has been running up and down his perch desperately trying to find a way out of the cage to get to her! I really hope when they get to be together that Kirby likes him as much as he likes her! haha he is used to being with a flock, where as she has been alone for a few months now! 

So Kirby has one more day left of medicine and then hopefully she will put some weight back on! I think the sooner I can move Charlie closer the better so the can communicate better :)

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