Yesterday had my friend come visit me, so we played with Kirby and Charlie. Working on getting charlie to feel safe with different people. Had him out and he happily ran around on the top of the cage giving kirby kisses through the bars. (still not letting Kirby out because when she flies she can't turn properly and flies into walls) so he was really good and being calm.
But my sister came barging into my room, and I was telling her to shut the door because charlie was out and he nearly got spooked but luckily shut the door in time and he stayed on the cage phew!
I'm going to have to make a sign to but on my bedroom door saying "budgies out!! DON'T OPEN THE DOOR" hahaha.
Anyway think I will rearrange the cages tomorrow! but Kirby's old mirror toy with perch in her cage yesterday and she has been sitting on it heaps.. think it will always be her favourite toy!
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